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磁吸式微型植體 於上顎U形活動假牙的臨床應用 摘要 

刊登於ICOI 國際口腔植體專科醫師學會2006年國際學術研討會會刊 第188頁 2006年10月18日出版


陳殿冠 醫師 (Dr.Chen Tien-Kuan)  台灣 台中市羅馬牙醫診所

於 ICOI 國際口腔植體專科醫師學會 第24屆國際學術研討會      

Magnetic-cap over Mini-implant Abutment Applied in the

U-shape Maxillary Overdenture – Case Report


磁吸式微型植體 於上顎U形活動假牙的臨床應用



Chen, Tien-Kuan*, DDS
DDS, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan
Chief, Roma Dental Clinic, Taichung Taiwan









Abstract: Patients afraid of severe invasive implant surgery yet with less residual maxillary natural teeth sometimes choose overdentures as a way of rehabilitation and somehow magnetic abutments are considered as one way of supporting elements for retention. If the abutments of natural teeth are located ideally, an U-shape maxillary denture base can be a comfortable choice instead of the one that covers the palatal side. However, if the arch is distally free end edentulous, the retention is going to be endangered and the denture base inevitably has to cover more so the U-shape one may be given up. Mini-implants are generally less invasive due to small wound, less bleeding, no suturing and often painless after surgery so that they are more acceptable for sensitive patients. But it is well known that mini-implants are not so stable as normal implants under the long term bite force. This one year followed case report is to demonstrate a design invented by Dr. Tien-Kuan Chen, the reporter of this case, to help form an U-shape denture base for a distal edentulous maxilla. it is a simple magnetic-cap cemented to the head of a mini-implant put at the distal free end spot and serves as a magnetic abutment just as it is done by a natural tooth. Magnetic abutments are usually made short to get less horizontal force, always as a hazard force, so that the abutments are less forced mobile and their lives are longer. If the major function of a mini-implant is merely as a magnetic abutment, it will gain the same benefits as well. In comparison with the traditional big size implants for maxillary rehabilitation, magnetic-cap over mini-implant abutments offer another simple option in ways of shorter treatment time, longer abutment lives, less invasive and more acceptable by sensitive patients.


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